Courses for
Year 10

The full package

Students who join Mulberry UTC in Year 10 follow a broad and balanced programme of study with some opportunities for specialisation.

Courses for Year 10-11

The full package

Students who join Mulberry UTC in Year 10 follow a broad and balanced programme of study with some opportunities for specialisation.

All students take GCSE mathematics, English language, English literature and double science.

All students also study sociology, as well as choosing from two of the following specialist technical courses:

  • Creative and Digital Media
  • Performing Arts
  • Health and Social Care

Students also have allocated lesson time for Careers Information, Advice and Guidance, Personal Development (including Relationships and Sex Education), Religious Education and Physical Education, alongside time for independent study and enrichment activities.

Year 10 Course Finder

Click on the icons to find out more about the courses we offer in Year 10-11.

English Language & Literature

Health and Social Care
Creative and Digital Media
Performing Arts
Business Studies
Religious Studies

GCSE English Language and Literature


Exam Board: AQA


Language GCSE (1-9) (8700)
View full specification

Literature GCSE (1-9)(8702)
View full specification

Aims of the course

In a world where ‘fake news’ and misleading social media stories have taken hold, it is more important than ever that students leave school with finely tuned critical faculties.  By the time they enter the job market, students must be able to analyse and problem solve, whilst also thinking critically and thoughtfully.  The course therefore aims to:

  • Give students the confidence to express themselves clearly and with precision
  • Examine and critique both their own opinions and the opinions of others in a clear and respectful way
  • Foster a love of reading, and the motivation to seek out other opinions, thoughts and knowledge
  • Help pupils to make sense of themselves and the world around them by giving them access to creative ways in which to articulate their own experiences.

This is an integrated course leading to two separate qualifications. Pupils study a variety of literary and non-literary texts.  Lessons will provide students with the opportunity to analyse literature and become skilled users of the English Language. Students will be encouraged to discuss ideas presented to us by writers and evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques they use.  They are also encouraged to write often, with imagination, accuracy and fluency.

GCSE English Language

  • Explorations in creative writing
  • Writers’ viewpoints ad perspectives
  • Spoken Language

GCSE English Literature

  • Shakespeare and the 19thCentury Novel
    • Macbeth
    • Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four
  • Modern Texts and Poetry
    • The AQA Poetry Anthology – Power and Conflict
    • Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-Time

GCSE English Language

  • 2 papers equalling 100% of the GCSE Language grade

GCSE English Literature

2 papers equalling 100% of the GCSE Literature grade

Creative Industries: Head Start

We’re really excited that you have chosen a MUTC Creative Industries specialism to study for your future career. Current subject areas include Media & Film, Performing Arts and Literature.

If you would like to know more about Creative Industries and prepare for life as a Creative Industries student please send an email to Our friendly team will put you in touch with members of staff from the Creative Industries department, who will grant you personalised access to our ‘Head Start’ page.

When you receive the login details, you can begin to explore and learn more about the team and our subjects, as well as having a go at some of the challenges we have prepared for you!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Creative Industries Team

GCSE Maths


Exam Board: Edexcel


Maths 1MA1

Aims of the course

Mathematics is a subject that will enable you to learn the knowledge, understanding and skills you need to apply when working in the world of science, computing, economics and business. We will ensure that the students achieve their full potential within Mathematics by encouraging students to use Mathematics in everyday life as a tool, and for other subjects by developing key problem solving and analytical skills.

Students are given opportunities to develop skills in logical thinking and problem solving. They will study many of the concepts already learnt in KS3 in more detail as well as many new areas of mathematics. We will continue to encourage you to apply structure and methodical workings out to written calculations.

Knowledge, skills and understanding are covered by this qualification under the following content headings: Number, Algebra, Ratio, Proportion and rates of change, Geometry and Measure, Probability and Statistics.

The aims and objectives of the course in Mathematics are to enable students to:

  • develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts;
  • acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems;
  • reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions;
  • comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

The mathematics curriculum is broken into the following topics:

  • Number including basic manipulation (multiplication, addition, subtraction, division), decimals, fractions, percentages, indices
  • Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change including scale factors, scale diagrams, ratio notation, direct and indirect proportion
  • Algebraincluding solving equations, graphs, sequences, functions, simultaneous equations
  • Geometry and Measureincluding 3D shapes, transformation, angle facts, circle theorems, trigonometry
  • Probability and Statistics including statistical averages, graphical representation, hypothesis testing and survey

The GCSE course meets the Ofqual regulations for GCSE (1-9). It is available at two levels: Foundation (grades 1 to 5) and Higher (grades 4 to 9) and based on 100% Examination. Each student is permitted to take assessments in either the Foundation tier or Higher tier.

At the end of Year 11 there are three examinations: One non-calculator paper and two-calculator papers. Each paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes long.

Two tiers are available: Foundation and Higher

The qualification consists of three equally-weighted written examination papers at either Foundation tier or Higher tier. All three papers must be at the same tier of entry and must be completed in the same assessment series. Each paper has 80 marks.

GCSE Maths – 3 papers

Paper 1 ( Non  Calculator)

Paper 2 (Calculator)

Paper 3 (Calculator)

  • In code – Sara Flannery
  • E, The story of a Number – Eli Maor
  • The Emperor’s New Mind – Roger Penrose
  • The Wonders of Numbers – Clifford Pickover
  • From Here to Infinity – Ian Stewart
  • The Art of Infinity: Lost Language of Numbers – Robert Kaplan

“I really enjoy learning Maths because it helps me understand equations, see patterns and problem-solve in other subjects such as Science and Sociology.”
Year 10 student

GCSE Science


Exam Board: AQA


Combined Science: Trilogy (8464)
View full specification

Aims of the course

The GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy course will support students to develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of science and how they relate to each other. It will also develop student’s competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem solving skills.

This is a two year course taught over Years 10 and 11. The lessons are a mixture of theory, practical and IT based lessons. The qualification requires students to apply knowledge learnt to complex situations and experiments. The core practicals are integrated into lessons enabling students to use knowledge to explain how and why they are working. Students will also get the chance to use our state of the art hospital suite when learning about concepts such as ‘the heart’ and ‘respiratory system’.


  • Cell biology
  • Organisation
  • Infection and response
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis and response
  • Inheritance, variation and evolution
  • Ecology


  • Atomic structure and the periodic table
  • Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Chemical changes
  • Energy changes
  • The rate and extent of chemical change
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical analysis
  • Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • Using resources


  • Energy
  • Electricity
  • Particle model of matter
  • Atomic structure
  • Forces
  • Waves
  • Magnetism and electromagnetism

The GCSE course is available at two levels: Foundation (grades 1 to 5) and Higher (grades 4 to 9) and based on 100% Examination. Each student is permitted to take assessments in either the Foundation tier or Higher tier.

At the end of Year 11 there are 6 examinations:

  1. Biology Paper 1 (Covering Units 1-4)
  2. Biology Paper 2 (Covering Units 5-7)
  3. Chemistry Paper 1 (Covering Units 1-5)
  4. Chemistry Paper 2 (Covering Units 6-10)
  5. Physics Paper 1 (Covering Units 1-4)
  6. Physics Paper 2 (Covering Units 5-7)

You will receive two GCSE qualifications at the end of Year 11 and each paper contributes 16.7%.

GCSE Sociology


Exam Board: Eduqas


WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9-1) in Sociology

Aims of the course

Sociology is the study of society and culture. It looks at the world in which we live in order to ask interesting and awkward questions about why we choose to do the things that we do. Sociology looks at situations from a range of viewpoints including the Marxist and Feminist perspectives.

Sociology is a research subject, so students are expected to go out and investigate the real world around them in order to understand it. Students can do this by reading newspapers, watching the new and documentaries, and asking questions. Students will have two exams at the end of Year 11.

  • Component 1:Cultural Transmission, Families, Education, Research Methods
  • Component 2: Crime and Deviance, Social stratification and differentiation, Applied methods
  • Two examinations, 100 minutes each
  • Throughout the course, students will be assessed through example and past paper exam questions, comprising of 4, 5, 8, and 15 mark questions.
    • Laura Bates, Everday sexism
    • William Golding,Lord of the Flies

      Margaret Atwood,The Handmaid Tale

      George Orwell,Animal Farm

      George Orwell,1984

      Joseph Heller,Catch 22

  • Researcher
  • Politician
  • Community development worker
  • Teacher/ lecturer
  • International aid worker
  • Policy officer
  • Social/ youth worker
  • Youth worker
  • Journalist
  • Police officer

Sociology activity – Prep learning booklet (GCSE)

“I really like the topics we study and how they relate to real life; you can see the theory explained in the textbook happening in day to day life which makes it really interesting.”
Year 11 student

Health and Social Care


Exam Board: OCR


OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care J811
View full specification

Aims of the course

Health and Social Care is a subject that will enable you to learn the knowledge and skills you need to apply when working in the health care, social care and child care sectors. There are numerous jobs and career paths that you can consider that are within this field. You may choose to become a care worker, social worker, child or adult nurse, community support worker, occupational therapist, nursery practitioner, nursery manager or personal assistant. The course will help you to learn more about the professionals that work in this industry and the impact you can have on individuals’ quality of life.

If you are a caring and compassionate person, you may enjoy studying this course. The subject will equip you with academic knowledge on social and interpersonal interactions, enable you to communicate effectively with different people, give you greater self and social awareness and skills to work in teams build professional relationships. You will be provided you with opportunities to develop a range of personal skills and attributes, as well as transferable skills like interview techniques. You will learn the skills to support and care for individuals with a variety of needs, acquire report writing skills and gain knowledge about working in the Health and Social Care sector. You also will gain a period of work experience which can aid your career choices.

The course is delivered by experienced teachers, who teach unit content to help you build your subject knowledge. Facilities such as a care room, which consists of a care home, reception area and doctor’s surgery, as well as a realistic hospital ward with specialised equipment, are used for simulation exercises and to aid learning of best practice in a work-based environment. You will have the opportunity to visit care settings, such as hospitals, care homes or nurseries, and care practitioners will be invited in from specialised fields to deliver talks and workshops on various topics.

You will learn set units of work that will consist of 1 exam and 3 pieces of coursework, which you will be assessed on throughout the course.  In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to gain work experience. You will write reports, get involved in drama, role plays and collaborative work that will form parts of the units of work.

Year 1

  • Unit R021:Essential values of care for use with individuals in care settings
  • Unit R022:Communicating and working with individuals in health, social care and early years setting

Year 2

  • Unit R025: Understanding life stages
  • Unit R028: Understanding the development and protection of young children in an early years setting

Year 1

  • Unit R021:30 GLH – Examined
  • Unit R022:30 GLH – Coursework

Year 2

  • Unit R025:30 GLH – Coursework
  • Unit R028: 30 GLH – Coursework

Cambridge National Level 1 / 2 Health and social Care (OCR and Hodder) – Judith Adams, Mary Riley, Maria Ferreiro Peteiro (2017)

After completing the course, you may want to consider entering the Level 2 or Level 3 Health and Social Care course, which will enable you to further build on your knowledge and skills.

“Health and Social is very useful because we learn about communication and different life stages.”
Year 10 student

Creative and Digital Media


Exam Board: OCR


OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia J817
View full specification

Aims of the course

The course equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative and digital media sector. They start at pre-production and develop their skills through practical assignments as they create final multimedia products. The course aims to enhance our students’ employability when they leave us, contributing to their personal development and future economic well-being. The Creative iMedia qualification encourages independence, creativity and awareness of the digital media sector.

The course assesses the application of creative media skills through their practical use and provides learners with essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects.


  • R081 – Pre-production skills:Students are introduced to a range of essential pre-production techniques used in the creative and digital media, including client brief, time frames, deadlines and preparation techniques
  •  R082 – Creating digital graphics:Building on the skills and understanding that they have developed in the previous unit, students explore where and why digital graphics are used and the techniques that are involved in their creation. They apply their skills and knowledge in creating digital graphics against a specific brief.


  • R089 – Creating a digital video sequence:Students discover where digital video sequences are used in the media industry and how these technologies are developed to reach an identified target audience as they plan, create and edit a digital video sequence and review it against a specific brief
  • R091 – Designing a game concept:Students learn the basics of planning and designing digital games for the creative digital media sector. They investigate the capabilities and limitations of different platforms, and identify core features of digital games as they create a games design concept proposal for presentation to a client for critical review.


  •  R081 – Written paper, OCR set and marked, 1 hour 15 mins
  • R082 – Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated, approx. 10 hours


  • R089 – Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated, approx. 10 hours
  • R091 –  Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated, approx. 10 hours

Creative Industries: Head Start

We’re really excited that you have chosen a MUTC Creative Industries specialism to study for your future career. Current subject areas include Media & Film, Performing Arts and Literature.

If you would like to know more about Creative Industries and prepare for life as a Creative Industries student please send an email to Our friendly team will put you in touch with members of staff from the Creative Industries department, who will grant you personalised access to our ‘Head Start’ page.

When you receive the login details, you can begin to explore and learn more about the team and our subjects, as well as having a go at some of the challenges we have prepared for you!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Creative Industries Team

Performing Arts


Exam Board: Pearson


BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts Level 1/ Level 2

Aims of the course

The performing arts are a major part of the creative and cultural industries in the UK. Overall, the industry contributes £3.5 billion to the UK economy. There are 5,480 businesses and 101,593 people working in the performing arts sector. Study of this sector at Key Stage 4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical exploration and application alongside conceptual study, leading to strong opportunities to progress post-16.

The qualification is for learners who want to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying acting and/or performance design as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. The qualification recognises the value of learning skills, knowledge and vocational attributes to complement GCSEs. The qualification will broaden the learners experience and understanding of the varied progression options available to them.

The course is made up of three components: two that are internally assessed and one that’s externally assessed. The three-block structure, explore, develop and apply, has been developed to allow students to build on and embed their knowledge. This allows them to grow in confidence and then put into practice what they have learned. The BTEC assessment structure is also designed so that students can build on what they learn, and develop their skills, as they move through the course.

Component 1:  Exploring the Performing Arts 

  • Students explore the processes used to create a performance
  • Aim: get a taste of what it is like to be a professional actor or designer.
  • Assessment: internally assessed assignment
  • Weighting: 30% of total course

During Component 1, you will:

  • explore performance styles, creative intentions and purpose
  • investigate how practitioners create and influence what is performed
  • discover performance roles, skills, techniques and processes.

Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts

  • Students develop performance and design skills and techniques by reproducing existing performances
  • Aim: develop skills and techniques in the chosen discipline(s) of acting or design.
  • Assessment: internally assessed assignment
  • Weighting: 30% of total course

During Component 2, you will:

  • take part in workshops, classes and rehearsals
  • gain physical, interpretative, vocal, rehearsal and design skills
  • apply these skills in performance
  • reflect on your progress, your performance or production design and how you could improve.

Component 3: Performing to a Brief

  • Students pull together all they have learned and apply their knowledge in a performance
  • Aim: consider how practitioners adapt their skills for different contexts, and put this into practice in a performance.
  • Assessment: externally assessed task, where students work in groups of between 3 and 7 members to create a performance based on a set brief.
  • Weighting: 40% of total course

To achieve this aim, you will:

  • use the brief and previous learnings to come up with ideas
  • build on skills in classes, workshops and rehearsals
  • review the process using an ideas and skills log
  • perform a piece to a chosen audience
  • reflect on performance in an evaluation report.
  • Berry, C., Voice and the Actor
  • Reid, F., Stage Lighting Handbook
  • Chase, M., Mask, Making, Using and Performing

Study of the qualification as part of Key Stage 4 learning will help learners to make more informed choices for further learning, either generally or in this sector. It will also help them to develop transferable skills including communication, team work, presentation skills, confidence and creativity, interpretation and report writing.

Creative Industries: Head Start

We’re really excited that you have chosen a MUTC Creative Industries specialism to study for your future career. Current subject areas include Media & Film, Performing Arts and Literature.

If you would like to know more about Creative Industries and prepare for life as a Creative Industries student please send an email to Our friendly team will put you in touch with members of staff from the Creative Industries department, who will grant you personalised access to our ‘Head Start’ page.

When you receive the login details, you can begin to explore and learn more about the team and our subjects, as well as having a go at some of the challenges we have prepared for you!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Creative Industries Team

Business Studies

Exam board



Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing

Aims of the course

Our learners will develop applied knowledge and practical skills in enterprise and marketing that they can use in the real world; either working for an organisation or setting up their own initiatives.

Students will study three topics – enterprise and marketing concepts, design a business proposal and market & pitch a business proposal.  The lessons are a mixture of theory, practical and project based lessons including individual work and group work.

Learners will understand the main activities that will need to happen to support a start-up business and what the key factors are to consider when starting up a business. Learners will understand how and why customer segmentation is used and how to target a customer market. They will also develop an understanding of how to attract and retain customers, the techniques to use when developing products and how to investigate what makes a product viable.

In Year 10 there will be a 1 hour 30 minute externally assessed examination on unit RO64 – Enterprise and marketing concepts.  In year 11 there will be two controlled assessments; one on unit RO65 – Design a business proposal and another on RO66 – Market and pitch a business proposal

Students can move onto a level 3 Marketing or Business related qualification and will have developed entrepreneurial and marketing skills useful for the world of work or their own enterprise.

Religious Studies


Exam Board: N/A



Aims of the course

Religious Studies at Mulberry UTC enables students to engage in the study of religion and belief whilst relating it to the specialist pathways they are undertaking. The subject allows learners to reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes on a range of topics, whilst developing their own identities as confident and creative young people.

The Religious Studies curriculum is taught in three distinct ways:

  1. Three dedicated drop-down days during the academic year
  2. ‘Spiritual and Personal Development’ sessions run in tutor time once a week
  3. Collective worship in assemblies across all year groups

Religious Studies Day One: Faith in Film

Student will: gain insights into ways of expressing important religious ideas; understand the influence of religion in art/film; consider the value of religious imagery; identify the religious ideas being portrayed in film extracts; evaluate the realism and impact of particular portrayals of founders and leaders; assess the value and effectiveness of the film in communicating the essence of religion.

Religious Studies Day Two: Science and Religion

Students will: explore the difference between scientific knowledge and religious knowledge; explain the nature of ‘truth’ in each; discuss if religion and science are compatible, in conflict or mutually exclusive (co-exist but kept completely separate)

Religious Studies Day Three: Religion Charity and Conflict

Students will: explore the work of global religious charities and their work in conflict zones and upholding human rights around the world.

Tutor time include discussion topics sure as:

  • What do different religions state about fairness and tolerance?
  • Who are the Amish and what is their way of life?
  • Does God exist?
  • How does spirituality affect people’s lives?

Mulberry UTC also continues to link with St Joseph’s Hospice and other local religious organisations to support the delivery of religious studies.

Throughout the year, students will be assessed through reflections made on their e-portfolio in relation to their learning on the three religious education days, as well as the spiritual development reflection activities completed in tutor time.

Careers related to studying Religious Studies include: Teacher; Social Worker Community development worker; or Family support worker; International aid/development worker; Social researcher; Youth worker; Charity fundraiser; faith advocate.

Our industry partners:
