The principal priority for Mulberry UTC is to provide our pupils with life chances – good qualifications and the capacity to be successful, fulfilled, healthy, happy and confident adults with a rich range of personal resources upon which they can draw.
As a University Technical College, we have a particular focus on preparing young people for the world of employment, by ensuring students have access to high quality industry experience and employer-led projects, to help them develop the skills they need to succeed when they leave school.
At Mulberry UTC, every member of staff is driven by the desire to make a lasting difference to our students, their families and our wider community through the education we provide and the associated services we offer. We are passionate about the need for all young people to have access to high quality educational opportunities, regardless of whether they want to follow an academic or a technical path. We are committed to ensuring that the UTC provides young people with access to high quality academic and technical education, to ensure they can achieve their full potential and go on to succeed when they graduate.

Our vision is to provide:
- Outstanding academic and technical learning, leading to high levels of progress
- Outstanding pastoral support, student wellbeing and inclusion which enables every student to make outstanding progress, regardless of their starting point or the barriers to learning they may face
- A rich personal development curriculum which supports students’ development of self-confidence and self-esteem.
- A comprehensive enrichment curriculum which make a significant contribution towards enabling students to think analytically and critically, to develop a strong understanding of the world around them and to demonstrate values of mutuality, reciprocity, respect and unity.
- All our students to be independent, autonomous learners with the resilience, confidence and motivation necessary for lifelong learning.
- All students to be well-prepared to succeed in a highly competitive and constantly changing labour market.